Appendix A
Drinking frequency categories in NCDS and BCS70
NCDS age 23 (variable n5920)
Question wording: ‘How often do you usually have an alcoholic drink of any kind?’
1 Most days
2 1-2 times/week
3 Less often
4 Special occasion
5 Never drink
NCDS age 33 (variable n504273)
Question wording: ‘How often do you have an alcoholic drink of any kind?’
1 Most days
2 1, 2 or 3 times/week
3 1, 2 or 3 times/month
4 Less often
5 Never
NCDS age 42 and age 46 (variable DRINKS and N7DRINKS)
Question wording ‘How often do you have an alcoholic drink of any kind. Would you
say you have a drink...
1 On most days
2 2-3 days/week
3 Once a week
4 2-3 times/month
5 Less often/only on special occasions
6 Never nowadays
7 Never had an alcoholic drink
BCS70 age 30 and age 34 (variable DRINKS and B7DRINKS)
Question wording ‘How often do you have an alcoholic drink of any kind. Would you
say you have a drink.
1 On most days
2 2-3 days/week
3 Once a week
4 2-3 times/month
5 Less often/only on special occasions
6 Never nowadays
7 Never had an alcoholic drink