Regional differentiation in the Russian federation: A cluster-based typification

Table 1 shows coefficient of correlation for the regions’ ranks with regard to
different systems of classifying criteria (first number in the cell), and it show the
significance level of the coefficient of rank correlation (second number) - with
significance of the correlation coefficient estimated at a 5% level. One can see the
link between typologies in such clusters of indicators as living standard (six
variables), industrial development (four variables). Rankings of living standard and
industrial development reveal especially lcose relationship reaching 0.47.

It should be pointed out that regional rankings by industrial development and basis
indicators of agricultural production (four indicators) demonstrate a weaker inverse
relation. As to regional ranking with regard to social sphere indicators, relation with
the regional ranking in industrial development and agricultural production
indicators is not very strong and approximately the same.

Classification on generalized ecological ranking of regions virtually has no link with
any ranking systems. There is but a negligible inverse relationship with the ranking
involving industrial development indicators.

Given that key variables in identifying depressed regions are recognized else
where to be the standard of living and onustrial development indicators, and
keeping in view the specific historical path taken by Russia after 1917 (setting up
powerful industrialization, transition from an agrarian into industrial-agrarian
country), the greater weight in multidimensional rankings by regions should belong
to the clusters of indicators of industrial development and living standard. In the
meantime, the indicators from social sphere, ecology and agriculture are likely to
become additional, complementary ones helpful in specifying the regions ultimate

3.4. Methods of considering typologies behavior

Having obtained the pattern of how regions are differentiated in the
multidimensional space of indicators, we are failing to consider such an important
point as development behavior. Indeed, it is the comparative behavior alone that
will make it possible to estimate the trends in a region’s development, to perceive
either depressive or progressive way of its development.


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