Regional differentiation in the Russian federation: A cluster-based typification

The next group of indicators brings us closer to a region’s population, their
incomes and employment:

1. Unemployment rate in active population. This indicator will be calculated as the
ratio of relevant primary factors involving the registered number of working
population and the number of active population.

2. Per-capita incomings. These are to be defined as a ratio of average per-capita
returns to the minimal standard basket cost comprising 19 items. This indicator is
primarily distinct in adjusting the population incomes to the form comparable by

3. Privately held lands. This factor is indicative of several aspects, including the
development of market reforms in a region, activities of its authorities, indirect
characterization of natural-and-climatic potentialities of the region, feasibility of
gaining incomes in kind, etc.

4. Provision with privately owned cars. In this case the factor is targeted to
indirectly make up for the inadequate statistics of money incomes of the population
and to see how they can be redistributed between regions.

5. Putting residental buildings into service. This indicator enables one to cast the
light upon general situation on civil construction of a region, principal investors’
potentialities, the altitude of authorities towards the problem. Since it is calculated
in terms of physical indicators, it is unlikely to be price-distorted.

Lastly, here is a group of indicators to characterize a region’s economy:

1. Retail turnover. This is a frontier indicator which, under «normal» conditions is
connected with income of population, economic structure of a region, and level of
production of consumer goods.

2. Decline-in-industrial production index. Computed as physical index of industrial
production, it reveals the scale economic decline. It is set to assume that the
situation in industry is a pacing factor in the development of the rest of the
industries in a region’s national economy, i.e. agriculture, construction, transport
and communications, etc.

3. Structure of industrial production: weighted estimate. Regional and industry-
oriented industrial structures previously entered into the primary factor data base


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