Visual Artists Between Cultural Demand and Economic Subsistence. Empirical Findings From Berlin.

Illustration 5: Areas of Presence and Sales of Visual Artists in Berlin [N=436]

Berlin Region





North Germany


Other European Countries

Rhein-Main Region

South Germany

Source: Written survey 2006; own calculation.

A further 31 per cent falls on the inner German market, roughly equally distributed
over the regions of the Rhine-Main-Area, and North and South Germany.
Internationally it is 16 per cent

3.10 Statements for public support for Art in Berlin

Berlin must weigh to what extent art and culture fall under the saving measures due
to the consolidation of the state budget. To consider visual artists and art under cost-
producing aspects exclusively, is insufficient in the context of an integrated
observation of regional-economic interrelations.

On the one hand, it is a matter of the preservation of cultural heritage and on the
other hand the conservation of diverse art and cultural (sub-) scenes.

After all, regional companies of different branches profit from the label “Berlin” and
the growing role of Berlin as an international art and culture metropolis.

In the end, these impulses can serve as promotion for the settlement of companies of
various natures. The political economic strategies, which make Berlin and the
neighbouring region a magnet for the international art and culture scene, are

Since a large proportion of income is generated from the sale of artwork, the
promotion of new exhibition formats, such as the Berlin Gallery (Berlin Artists show

20 This share is differentiated into the following regions: Europe (12 per cent) and Rest (4 per cent).


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