Unilateral Actions the Case of International Environmental Problems

NBl( H, q i ,0) NBi( H, q ( H ,0),1)}. Use 3.1. NBi(H,qH f0) NBi(H ,q( H ,0),1)
and the fact that NBi (H, qi ,0) is decreasing in qi for qi>q(H,0), for any
q 1H = qH - ε, 3.1 holds with strict inequality. Hence, no q 1H qH can be
weakly dominated. Therefore, given
qH = qH - ε, posterior beliefs will be up-
dated to
ρ(qH ) = 0, and consequently, given this new set of beliefs, only
qH = qH is an undominated separating equilibrium.

Proof of result 3: Define qi' =suparg{NBi(H, qi ,1) = NBi(H,qi(H,0),0)} . If there
exists a
q'i satisfying 6.a with strict inequality, then existence is guaranteed. If
NBi(L,qi',1)>NBi(L,qi(L,1),0), then also NBi(L,qi',1)>NBi(L,qi(H,0),0), since
qi(L,1) is the unique maximizer of NBi(L,qi,θ), which implies that if there ex-
ists a
qi' qi(L,0) , such that

NBi(L, qi',1) -NBi(L,qi (L,0),0) NBi(H,qi',1)-NBi(H,qi(H,0),0)}, then a separating
equilibrium exists. But this is guaranteed via the single crossing condition.

Proof of result 4:

Weak domination of qH for the high cost type in this case corresponds to the
following inequality:

maxp NBi(H, qH, ρ) min ρ{NBi(H, qi(H,0), ρ), } =>

NBi (H, qH ,1) NBi (H, qi (H,0),0) , which is implied by 6.b.

Define qL = maxarg{NBi (L, qL ,1) = NBi (L, qi (L,0),0)}. We now show that no
qLqL is weakly dominated. This amounts to showing that
NBi (L, qL ,1) NBi (L, qi (L,0),0). Use 6.a. NBi (L, qL ,1) NBi (L, qi (L,0),0) and the
fact that
NBi(L,qi,ρ) is decreasing in qi for qi>qi(L,1), for any q1L = qL + ε 6.b


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