The name is absent


the Alternative

Course during the year of the research: School B

and its tutor had been

in the Alternative Course



in 197ɪ*; School C had been part of the


since 1978 and its

tutor since 1977.

During the year of the research English, Mathe-




Studies students

were joined by small groups of

RE and Integrated Humanities students

thus widening the subject


of the

groups .

The data is

organised to demonstrate key features of the innovation.

in terms of both structure and process. The

basic themes emerged




analysis of the Research Group which is presented alongside

this thesis

J ones

1985). They are first the creation of responsive


second the development of an active pedagogy; third the

place of the PGCE in the process of teacher education; and the

fourth the nature of reflection and theorising* Thedata is selected

and extracts are presented according to its relevance to these themes.

The purpose is to demonstrate what for example, constitutes a respon-
sive structure or what counts as theorising. Throughout^reference
is made to the findings of the analysis of the Research Group.

The presentation takes account of a further factor which was shown
to be crucial in the work of the Research Group and this is the
rhythm of the course itself. As the year proceeds and the students
gain experience so their perspectives change and develop. Details
of the data presented are given at the beginning of each chapter
- the intention is to indicate briefly what occurs at each stage
of the year.

In the first four weeks of the course the emphasis is upon estab-
lishing the identity of individual school groups and their ways

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