the work the group is involved in
and emphasises
the necessity
of the
Throughout the analysis the place of structure, and pedagogy in the
total process is shown but the pattern of assessment is equally
critical. It is this which directly influences what is presented
in the summer term.
In an important sense without presentation and analysis of the stud-
ents ’
course work the research is
incomplete.for within the
work students demonstrate the possibilities the course offers
The course work enable them to examine how far educational theory
can illuminate and further their practice in school. They discuss
their own education and experience as well as the place of the PGCE
in their own development as teachers. In their reflection upon their
experience they develop and demonstrate an awareness of themselves
as teachers and as learners and in doing this they accomplish their
own theorising. The course work itself constitutes an integral part
of the pedagogy of the course. To demonstrate all of this would
have required a quite distinct research focus and would still have
left the reader asking hown in the practice of the course the work
was generated.
The data presented and
discussed in the following chapters focusses
upon that practice.
Essentially it examines the place of school-
based work in one PGCE course. What does it look like in action
and what are its implications for university tutors, teacher-tutors
In attempting to answer them
and students are the key questions.
the research is presented as a contribution to the re-thinking and
re-formulation of PGCE pract
ice which is required by the commitment
to partnership.