Most new entrants are now more likely to have followed
a training with a far greater professional orientation.
This involves more practice of teaching and a greater
understanding of theory which can inform practice
..... Furthermore, serving professionals are increas-
ingly involved in the planning, validation, operation,
assessment and evaluation of training courses. (1983 PIO)
These are basic elements contained in recent proposals for teacher
education via the PGCE route (UCET 79 and 82 DES ’83 HMI ’8θ & ’81).
But they are proposals, not established practice in the university
sector where much of this change will have to come about.
The planned intake for secondary training assumes
a greater proportionate reduction in BEd provision
that in PGCE and a proportionately greater contribution
to provision by the universities. The Government
is determined to strengthen subject expertise in second-
ary teaching and believes that in general this aim
points to the PGCE route. (Teaching Quality 1983
Para 48)
This raises fundamental questions about the potentiality for improvement
and change that exists within the university sector generally as well
as within particular institutions. The Council for the Accreditation
of Teacher education is intended
to advise the Secretaries of State for Education and
Science and for Wales on the approval of initial
teacher training courses in England and Wales. (1983)
the university sector the locus for change is firmly anchored at
the institutional level and will remain there for the present, legiti-
mated by the Concordat of i960. As Taylor (1983) states, what is
critical is "creating forms of evaluation and professional accredi-
tation that enable the Secretary of State properly to discharge his
responsibilities under legislation whilst at the same time preserving
that degree of academic and professional freedom for teachers, and
for institutions, without which the potentialities for the improvement