Opinions about the usefulness of seminars tend to be divided but
a commonly valued experience tends to occur through simply meeting
with students.
School C 8.12.81 P5 alii
I’ve found
isn’t much
on because
that in
of this
the Maths Group there
cross pollination going
mentioned an
that happened in the
and you can’t relate
particular classroom
that to your own at
It’s just a case of it sort of makes you
feel better if you can talk about it in the
group doesn’t it and you hear everybody else
doing the same sort of thing I think that
goes on a lot of the time before we start
the sessions on Friday. Everybody just tells
everyone about how awful the week’s been
and you think, well I can’t be so bad if
everyone’s in the same boat.
М2 Then everybody else says ’Well that’s nothing.
In my school .....
The analysis of the Research Group suggested that part of the dislo-
cation came from the apparently cross cutting demands of what are
sometimes seen as two roles, student and student teacher. However
’letting off steam’
and comparing experiences gives
the method group
an identity and sharing experience
be perceived as
failure may prepare the ground for moving forward.
SS2 in the last
extract draws
attention to the shared concerns that
are experienced
informally in
a range
of method group contacts and
which needs to
be allowed for in the informal
agenda of the group.
Time for chat-
ting before the group focusses
value and if allowed for and
formally on an issue may be of great
organised it may enable the group to
settle much more readily and
ably to the agreed issues.
There are
differences of opinion
as to how far at this stage the exper-