of individuals in different schools can be utilised in the
Method Group but
the following extracts suggest that in school and
in the Institute
the school group enables sharing of experience to
School B
I find it a great help having М2 here because
we’re going through so many things together
- we often see the same class and the same
teacher and we discuss that and ideas about
how to teach a subject so its quite good
- on my own I think I would feel a bit iso-
lated .
Yes (in the school group) - we talk generally
about how to
(During this
was placed in
do different things but I do
English person here for sure,
year only one English student
School B for teaching practice).
But I find I tend to talk to the staff a
bit more about it - what do you think about
this or whether that might be a good
I mean you’ve
got to talk to somebody about
it so . .
But with the Hums too -
and I
are doing the same thing in the first 3 years
so we can talk about that -
The availability of another student from the same method group is
consistently highly valued for it allows the sharing of ideas, exper-
are crucial, and arguably learning to form and work within such rela-
tionships are basic elements of what it means to become a teacher.
iences and observations.
rarely do personal factors hamper
the development of professional
relationships which at this stage
b) PGCE and the probationary year
Although the personal commitment and continuity referred to by EδO
in the next extract will not always be present it does illustrate