iii School В 24.11.81 P22 dii
e80 I think it's pretty good for the teacher
as well - it channels a lot of the frustration
that you might feel away from them into just
discussing, you know you build up that dis-
cussion with another student, that works
out your frustrations. There’s a lot of
things you don’t want to approach teachers
with that in the end you do because you just
want someone to talk to.
They’re too busy as well - you feel as if
you're keeping them from something else -
These extracts suggest that students have options built in through
the structures of the course. In the Research Group it was pointed
out that not all staff are uniformly willing or able to work with
students and later comment on the position of visiting tutors will
suggest that the reality they perceive is not necessarily the same
as that of the students nor do the versions interpenetrate easily.
Within the school
group credence is given to the student view whilst
experience .
allowing for change over time
in response to new
Both the exploration
of one’s present position and the
of its development are crucial
in professional education.
This is vital in discussions
such as
and control which
involves so
much that is essentially personal to
individuals whilst being professionally critical.
c) Common school experience
Within the school
group an important factor has been shared curricular
experience. This gives a common ground and a balance to other exper-
ience which may be individualised according to student needs and
opportunities and takes into account the student’s subject specialism.
Earlier discussions have demonstrated that productive interchange