Something here about Asians
- you know
class I have in FE (to Research Tutor
who has observed the class), a class of West
Indian women talking about race discrimination
against blacks and the whole lesson turned
into a long list of remarks against Asians,
it was absolutely extraordinary.
But in some respects perhaps sooner or later
you could argue you have to confront it
because there's no doubt about it, it does
exist and the trouble is, in a school like
this where Asian kids are
very much
- although I don’t think there’s
much direct
aggro against them there ’ s cert-
ainly a way in which the white kids and the
West Indian kids can be quite happy leaving
each other - not bothering each other but
focussing any prejudice they have got upon
a West
so that for example, a white kid and
Indiancan both make an Asian joke.
The concern resonates
for other students in the group who are also
encountering forms of
in their own classes.
This issue is
held close to the practical context and this is an
important feature
of common experiences in school group work.
life which either
influenced by and demonstrating features of school
disappear or appear differently in the official rhetoric of the school
or in educational writing. This will be explored in detail in rel-
ation to transcripts dealing with multi-cultural education in the
Spring term. In this context it is in relation to practice that
problems and issues arise and solutions are propounded. On its own
this would be insufficient but the presence of the tutor, the likely
recording of ideas and incidents referred to in the student’s diary
make it likely that by the end of the course a much richer, complex
and thorough analysis will be
:ade by each student or made available
to them through the work of members of the group. This is one long
term aspect of how the school group allows for change and development.
Here it is important to note the differences between the visiting