1 went away and did them a crossword with
all their names in it, the school and other
things and then I got the`
to do their
and they said nOh, this is hard” and
boy who had reading difficulties .....
..... he did the best crossword .....
..... I think his form teacher’s going to
put it up on the wall - I think when you see
something like that in a
the response if you think
way you can gauge
it may be difficult
- so do they but they do it - so I felt quite
chuffed about it .....
They enjoyed the trip to the Museum of Mankind
last Wednesday afternoon but I had quite
a problem getting the;
to get letters home.
I had to do it twice.
SS ɪ took them out last week - we took some
photographs of the market and did
viewing on tape and things.
some inter-
El ..... It’s just a case of - it is hard trying
to work out what you’re going to do with
them but so long as it's a mixture of things,
as long as they see something .....
The tutor is
trying to use the experience and learning of some of
her students
to counteract
she has observed
in others.
Well to be honest I wouldn't mind stopping
ve only been with him twice.
There’s nothing been wrong with it - I mean
we're reading, writing and talking and it's
really good
I don't enjoy
other stuff - I want to give it up .....
Students do not always value all aspects of school group work for
it is sometimes seen as irrelevant to what they define
concerns. І2 But whether or not they accept what the visiting tutor
as their major