tutor’s view of the possible and the desirable and that of the
Neither is necessarily right or wrong but the difference
in their position and their experience undoubtedly influences their
practice and their perspective on it.
The next extracts refer to
the shorter ter
here the tutor is encouraging the group to share
their experiences of literacy work towards the end of the first term.
All the students are regularly involved in this work in School C.
School C
8.12.81 P21 fi 22 fii 2 3 fiii X3∕⅛ fiv
We obviously all talk about the literacy
work in this group but you can with your own
particular group (of pupils), you can get
stuck in at this stage, you wouldn’t expect,
would you, some tangible improvement in their
reading and writing exactly but you might
very tangible improvement in
ability to work together and how they make
use of that period.
SSl It's probably because I can't see anything
in really concrete terms but its nice to
know how you're getting on. It's nice that
it is enjoyable and I think that they like
it as well.
Ml It's sort of disjointed - one week it's
reading a play, then cutting out some pictures,
then writing each other poems and not prod-
ucing a lot.
Tutor I think it would be useful next term to get
some longer term work going.
It's so difficult to do because you say -
can you
and then
think about something for next week
I had flu last week and if you don't
see them they've forgotten about it.....
- it depends on your doing something
is printed up
- showing
you mean
ness really - making a tape - transcribing
it for the)
— you've got to keep the contin-
uity going.
Shall I tell the:
about my group?
Tutor Yes