says in his contribution to the discussion the extracts do show how
the students are confronted with the problems of both willing
unwilling learners. As the visiting tutor outlines in the next
extract unwilling and unmotivated pupils and the contribution that
the school can make
have been very much his concern for a
number of years .
School C 8.12.83 P25 gi P26∕27 gii
You highlight a real problem - one of the
Inspectors picked
up with me
Education Course fits in IV and V year
options and it’s really to create an environ-
ment for some kids for 4 or 5 periods a week
that they can manage because in lots of the
courses they have to do - they’re all examin-
ation courses you know - they can’t cope
and they’re continually reminded that they’re
failures. The inspector said to me ’Fine,
you’ve got that situation - an environment
they can manage, how do you know that you’re
developing - how do you take them beyond
that’ and he was raising the problem of how
you evaluate what you
diate kind of value
you’ve been doing.
have enjoyed it, the
do and there’s an imme-
in some of the things
You can see the kids
staff have enjoyed it,
the kids have got a lot of personal contact,
and you can see maybe you’ve got an interest
there - but there are still lots
about how you take them beyond that - but
of problems
I think with that kind of work you find
strengths come out of kids rather than in
a formal setting where you
often find their
weaknesses show.
You’re getting them working together,
next term you think about getting them to
work on a
build in
more long ter
thing - trying to
some sort of continuity. That’s
not easy but its possible - it partly is
by showing them what can be done and that
you’re going to be -
So I think I have to make a
mine - because they can role
work with themes
they can do
departure with
play, they can
really sophis-
ticated things .