Integrated Studies topic that was being
structured at the time but they would also
tend to do some basic skills work. Now in
fact we,ve tried to get away from that and
this partly reflects changes in the English
Department itself and changes in their focus
of attention so that in fact now as far as
possible we encourage people not to differen-
tiate Integrated Studies and English.
SS3 So time is not set aside specifically for
Well, again you’re talking about a fluid
situation. The official line is, it shouldn’t
be but in fact there are one or two teachers
who found it very difficult to work in that
situation and who found it necessary for
whatever reason
usually because
their approach to English is perhaps
formal than some of us would adopt and
tend to set aside time.
Accounts such as this of curriculum developments are a necessary
background and a starting point for students. They are not a sub-
stitute for the group’s own experience, research and accounts.
Another aspect of the visiting tutor’s experience which is often
made available to students is
the nature and possibility of different
sorts of teaching careers.
For example, some subject specialists
begin to see
their future in
terms of integrated work or work with
a particular age group but even without such shifts there is the
value of the visiting tutor’s knowledge of present school opportun-
ities and the concern to link them to the students’ experience during
the PGCE. In this extract the group are discussing topics for semi-
nars next term and here the teaching of 16-19 year olds.
School C 8.12.81 P17 ii P18 iɪ
V It would be a good one to talk about because when
Tutor you finish your teaching practice here and you’ve