The name is absent


concerns within a wider fra∙WWork of educational

concerns or issues.

by virtue of their

As the last extract suggests school group tutors

dual role as method tutors can refer to relevant

experience of other

members of their method group.

These can be focussed upon in method

sessions or informally when this is appropriate. Initially it is
the tutors’ knowledge of the various schools and their accumulating
knowledge of the experiences and interests of the various students

that widens the course from its school base.


extent to which

and the manner in which

the course relates to school

is an important

conflicting opinions which

can find their

place in the day to day planning of the

course as well as in the

course itself.

In the next extract the conflict of views are apparent when students

refer to a course planning meeting held on the previous Friday.

School C 8.12.81 P2 ii

P2∕3 jii

P3∕4 iii



I think it was also suggested that these coming to-
gether sessions would be on larger issues - for
instance we would focus on mixed ability, multi-

cultural education, starting teaching and so on and
that partly as a response to that first point on
whether these are handpicked schools, ask some ex-
students to come and talk from their experience of
having been on the course and then in inverted commas
’taught’ ’in an non-handpicked school’ and what sort
of problems that raises.

I think it might be useful to see authority in terms
of how the school is seen by the students. The part-
icular group - see how the school copes - whether
there is a problem of discipline or authority, how
the school copes - do they think there is a problem
of authority in their school for a start of disci-
pline - whether they think it’s a noisy school or

too much discipline

or whatever ,

that sort of thing

- just to get an idea of the other schools.

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