The name is absent


SS2 It’s just that this bloke was setting it up in a
way as how to deal with an individual class.

El Oh no and - I don’t think we can do that.

Ml It’s just probably one teacher coming along and
saying, do this, write this, which everyone has a
different way of doing. I’d be quite interested
to look at the set up in another school.



I think I remember SS2 saying earlier in the term
that he’d got very involved with Gerald Grace’s book
on the Inner City (1978) and wondered if that might
be one of the ways you could take it up - getting
a sense of what School C was like and how it compared
with other schools - different school groups will

interpret that seminar on authority and control very

differently - you
do with an unruly
and there may be
it in that way.


taking it as ’what do you

has tremendous limitations

few people who’ll want to tackle

The discussion tries to sharpen the students’ views and begins to

shape the session taking account of previous interests and the tutor’s

knowledge of differences between the two schools who will come

together for the seminar on Authority and Control. Before the ses-

sions joint planning by staff and students is essential to enable

the movement to and from practical concerns

educational issues and

theory which is

a basic

The tutor’s role is crucial consi-

dering not only what should be offered but how,, and it is here that
evaluation and discussion with students as the course develops is
important. The sense in which the course is based as much in its
pedagogy and processes as in its content is underlined here because

P .                                                             .      15

01 its importance in negotiation and planning.

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