The name is absent


done the Tuesday commitment and the commitment to
General Studies you should feel confident enough
when you’re applying for jobs to offer that General
Studies and you might particularly for those of you
who get jobs that are not clearly defined but are
made up of bits and pieces - you know, given that
you're all involved in General Studies it will be
a good thing to do.



'Cause the other part of that is the whole new VI


isn't it, where I mean there's also competition

in a way between schools and FE colleges as to who
takes on people for vocationally oriented courses

V       And the school is entering this debate - should we

Tutor offer some CSE courses in our VI Form.

Perhaps courses in our VI

for our low ability

VI formers because what we've

found is those who

re-sit their CSE's tend rarely to improve upon their
V year grades so perhaps that’s a whole new venture.

Tutor School A is doing City and Guilds Communications
level 1 for their VI formers and it can look a very
dry course but if it's well and imaginatively taught
- actually they're doing lovely work there .....

Discussion in the Research Group stressed that the PGCE needs to
concern itself with job opportunities as they are, as well as with

teaching careers as they might be in the future and the visiting


tutors are well placed to do this given their own concerns

. .        14

positions .

For both of these visiting

tutors the development of

concern and the continued

social education courses was an important
involvement of groups of students in various ways in their courses
was an important element of their work through the year.

e) School group tutor

The Institute school group tutor has a specific role in connecting
what may appear to be discrete experiences in one school to trends
°r concerns seen in others and more generally locating specific

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