These are very real pressures and what the school group does is to
find a way of responding to them without abandoning the commitment
to developing a wider and more informed perspective.
SSl has seen quite clearly the effect of such pressures on herself
and on other teachers but the members of the group are quite adept
at dealing with issues and tutors in their own way. This is an impor-
tant and regular facet of Alternative Course work which to an outsider
can be seen as a strong sense of group identity
rhythms ,
of working
that have been evolved over time.
The tutor is, of course, a part
of this but by no means by this point in the course
the central figure
on whom the group’s work depends.
They move the discussion on over
coffee to
and documented
of RE and Social
Education. The aims of the proposed RE syllabus, are outlined and
considered in relation to the students’ idea of RE teaching and the
practice in schools. The students are quite aware that the content
referred to is not necessarily restricted to RE.
School A 21.5.32 P8∕9 vii
SS2 One of the things that’s interesting is the
Social Education and RE ideas were being deve-
loped separately by different people in the
school and there wasn’t an overall policy
at all. It was just chancing their arm that
Social Education - hoping to persuade people.
Res Who is it who knows about the origins of the
Tutor Social Education programme, is it English
or RE?
We both
Term an
I remember back in the Autumn
English Department meeting where the
was brought up and the immediate
of the department
was that she didn’t want to lose any of her
English periods - I think the attitude was
not wanting anything to do with wishy-washy
subjects like social studies - so there was