School A 21.5.82 P4 ti tii
SS2 ..... I think if you're writing a book about
the aims of education and you do raise the
conception of the citizen right at the centre
of what you’re talking about should be the
model of society that presupposes .....
..... you’re talking about teaching in parti-
cular kinds of schools where most of the
problems which face the child - you’re talking
about the individual, stem directly from their
social placement in society and it seems very
abstract to me to talk about enabling a child
to be aware of others as an individual without
their specific situation being right at the
centre of that when you’re working at the
level of working class schools - as we have
been. I think School A is a school which
would actually follow that sort of idea -
it does treat children as individuals - in
practice in the HCP (Humanities Curriculum
Project) classes I went into there was never
any attempt to locate the children at all
within their class or race. In practice it
does become exploring the children’s own
individual sense. I haven’t read the book
so maybe he does pick up on those themes.
ɪ don't know but if
someone like Searle
extreme you can see
actually in practice
you compare him say with
which is at the opposite
the difference as to what
will come into the class-
room .
ɪade by SS2 stem directly from her concerns as
a teacher,
work which
concerns which she will articulate more fully in her course
drew directly on these discussions later in the course. Once again
the school group at
this point in time is
enabling students to pene-
into their own practice and to synthesise their
ideas about it.
The themes they
are working with
tend to be perceived
generally and this enables
new perspectives to be applied.
is particularly the case when
as so frequently happens, several
members of the group are working
in areas that are connected.