and school context in which their own practice occurs. A mature and
knowledgeable consideration of such factors can occur when students
look back at their own practice and try to clarify their own profes-
sional directions. The extent to which individuals, departments or
schools are receptive to ideas about teaching and learning will shape
the young teacher’s working conditions. Students in the Research
Group demonstrated how organising their views on their teaching prac
tice school helped them clarify their ideas about the way they would
to work in schools.
For EδO such considerations were amongst
most important things he took from the course
and for hiι
of the Research Group as well as the students
here the produc-
tion of the Report and its discussion were critical in requiring and
enabling synthesis to take place and professional direction to be
e) Reflection on curriculum development
Finally this section examines the students’ involvement with wider
curriculum issues. The Alternative Course has in all of its schools
tried to involve school groups directly in integrated or innovative
areas of r.prri r.nl uτn. recognising that they produce professional discus-
sion and debate in which students can profitably engage. In the
following extracts
is with the
of education.
RE student is drawing together the previous week’s lecture, her reading
on the subject and focussing on two areas of development in the school
- a proposed Social Education Programme and a new RE syllabus. By
this time she has available copies of syllabus and has shared with
students and staff discussions about the proposals. Once again the
personal dimension is important suggesting that educational issues
may be most usefully taken up when the personal, professional need