if you're going to study Mathematics, you're
going to have to learn how to abstract - you
can't fit everything in terms of taxi drivers.
But if you can’t understand it - what's the
use of doing computations in the abstract.
SS3 It seems to me that if you can understand
it -
Well ,
but I
can I say SMILE starts off that way
with the everyday Maths it's aimed
at kids that haven't understood it. He did
say it was an IV and V year course.
It is parallel, as you say, to things like
Social Education and the sort of situation
that Peter Medway's talking about but doesn't
that relate to the places where it’s easiest
to have spaces created in school for doing
new things are with kides the system in some
way has written off or failed or whatever
that doesn't necessarily write off these
attempts as being of educational value
an odd thing about working for change.
The possibilities and practice of curriculum relevance to pupils'
life outside school has quite distinct histories and patterns of deve-
lopment in the various subjects. The cross fertilisation which can
occur often constitutes real and genuine learning for students. Some-
times it
or more appropriate
for the learning to take place
outside one’s own subejct area and this is often the value of partici-
pation by the whole group
in a shared curriculum activity.
In the next extract the
active involvement of students in teaching
and learning each others
subject areas has interesting consequences.
School A 14.5-82 P8 qi
..... for instance, in
in my life I’ve
comprehend Maths and it
or Social Studies or
Maths - it's the first
ever thought I could
does relate to English
what you like so far