The name is absent


SS3 There is quite a lot in the department.

Eng Well X said she hadn’t done anything with
them on that before so I don’t know what they’d
had before to be able to write it. I think
Johnson did come to school didn't he .....

There is a sense in which the

discussion is moving from an account

of good and skilled practice

to suggesting social

and political


sions that impinge on this.

Recognition of the social identity that

inner city

children have and bring to school is a difficult task for

students whose own personal and educational background is far removed
and yet it is professionally and personally essential. The need for

such awareness


comes when as here they experience a gap

between what they have to offer and the

pupil’s willingness or ability

School A 7.5.82  P26 oi


..... One thing last

weekend I noticed on

the Duke of Edinburgh

awared thing I've been

on two of them, one with the V years and one
with the IV years and the first time X com-




there were 4 West



2 West

Indian kids

there were

і eirl and


boys .

one West Indian
, very much in

boy who came


I thought this is


just sort of

shadow of
twice now

boy .






they said a lot of

the West Indian kids
scene - it's not the

thing to do - ιi
kind of activity .

a kind

ιiddle class

She may take the problem to be one of making

the activity more attrac-

tive but this is limited unless

it goes with knowledge and understand

ing of pupils* personal and cultural background. In her Option course

work English takes this up in looking at adolescent biographies gener-

ated in and out of the classroom as a way into knowing and understanding.

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