The name is absent


Repeatedly in the research students commented upon the pressures

upon staff that too frequently

resulted in student needs being unart-

iculated or unrecognised.

For staff and students time and discussion

have quite different meanings

and the sharing of the seminar space


some way to


those meanings to be understood


worked with. This is not a pattern that stresses induction


explanation prior to experience which frequently characterises commun-
ication from the school to the students in its care. In place of
this a structure is required which stresses the complexity of the
students’ contact, their need to become a part of the institution.

and from there gradually to increase their understanding.


understanding will be built up from an increasing range of experi-

ences and reflections which may change in focus and in balance but

which in its entirety

should become a part of the student teacher.

A wide ranging knowledge of school is essential to professional

competence and practice and should for`

a basis for further develop-

ment and education

A model for initial training could extend and elaborate what has

been said above with little reference to the training institution.

school-based teacher education. At in-service level both the practice

and the rationale has been forcefully argued and it is probably no
accident that such ideas are persuasive at a time when whole school
policies and local initiatives are seen as vital (Asthon et al 19δ3)∙
This is not the place to argue the potential conservatism of such
an approach but its widespread implementation would result in far
reaching shifts in power and control within teacher education. Its

institutionalisation would affect both the knowledge base that teacher

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