The name is absent


education rests upon as well as having

implications for the develop-

ment of school knowledge.

Responsivenes of structure to school and trainin


In the Alternative Course the creation of responsive structures was
the basic task and responsiveness to school did not imply a rejection
of the training Institution. The presence of the group in school
along with the tutor on the school-based days prior to block teaching
practice brings the Institute into the school and it is the tutor’s

responsibility to ensure that the group is responsive to the concerns

and strengths of the training institute. Here the tutor's capacity

and concern

to relate theory and practice is paramount whether the

tutor is an 'education' or 'subject' member of staff. During the

life of the Alternative Course both have been school group tutors.

Subject tutors by and large

are those who have extensive contact

with students in school and insofar as that responsibility

is not

shared with education tutors and whilst education work is primarily

located in the training institute the pressures mount for the separ-
ation of theory and practice. One way of breaking through this is

to recognise all practice as implying a theory and thereby all prac-

titioners as theoretical.

The task then becomes the rendering

explicit of the theories in use and the exploration of their conse-
quences for practice. Initial teacher education then has as much
to do with and responsibility for students' theoretical as with their



These are both concerns of the school group

tutor. It is this dual commitment that requires that the school

group also has an existence within the training institute with real-

istic access both to educational theory and to practice.

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