researchers take up the dislocation between rhetoric and reality
when they say
In recent years much has been made
in teacher education
of the value of the study of language in the classroom,
yet here again there was substantial departmental
differences with respect to perceived insight.
(1982 P129)
But is it mainly diversity of content and time allocation that are
responsible and is the
conclusion,as the researchers suggest
After making all the due
conclusions are supportive
less rather than more
allowances, the overall
of the arguments which
benefit for the virtues
of choice and diversity. (1982 Pi30)
A common curriculum and external control sound in this context attractive
and they are CQnvassed by those who have the power to shape the
future patterns of teacher education. There are other conclusions
that might emphasise diversity of initial professional education
when the diversity may arise from student needs and characteristics.
Equally diversity may arise in relation to schools or to areas of
professional practice within them. It is not diversity itself which
is wrong but diversity which appears to have too little professional
justification. The next chapter examines an example of diversity
in teacher education which has made a significant contribution to
knowledge and thinking about teacher education.