Discourse Patterns in First Language Use at Hcme and Second Language Learning at School: an Ethnographic Approach

Interpretation I 129

Interpretation of Results

5.1 Overview

A Total of 235 Conversational Sequences (CSs) was studied, amounting to
3251 utterances. Only 3090 utterances (95.1%) were Included in the
analysis, i.e. those clearly identified as either uttered by an adult to a
child or by a child to an adult. The number of utterances by children
other than the 20 Target Children (TC) to adults was so small (Ho.=30)
that no distinction has been made in the analysis.

The number of Dialogue Texts (DT) studied was 14, i.e. all those between
adults and children, out of a total of 18 in the 1st Grade Textbooks and
Teachers’ Manuals (see 3.3, page 87-89 and Annexes 3.2 to 3.5). The total
number of utterances in the Dialogue Texts considered is 164. The
analysis of Dialogue Texts is not as detailed as that of Conversational
Sequences, because of their reduced number.

Tables and examples have been inserted in the text, and comprehensive
figures are given in the Annexes. All statistics refer to valid cases.

The Participants, Topic and Purpose of home Conversational Sequences are
examined, and contrasted with those of classroom Dialogue Texts. The same
comparison is made of:

. patterns in the sustaining of interaction;

. the use and function of clarification exchanges;

. the elicitation and offer of information;

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