Discourse Patterns in First Language Use at Hcme and Second Language Learning at School: an Ethnographic Approach

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Annex 3.3

Textbook Dialogue Ho. B

(from I.N.D.E.∕K.E.C. 1983, vol .2:99)

Dialoqo B - "Em casa do Paulo"

Imaqem 1

Mae - Onde vais?

Paulo - Vou brincar.

Imaqem 2

Bhere are you going*
Γa going to play

Mae - Antes, vamos Iavar a louςa.

Paulo - Esta bem, mama! βefθ'e that' let's do the eashinH uP

fill right, aut

Imaqem 3

Mae - Traz os pratos, por favor.
Pai - Posso ajudar?

Bring the dishes, please
Hay 1 help?

Imaqem ⅛

Mae - Pois claro. Traz a bacia com aqua limpa.

„ ,              Sure. Bring the basin rith clear rater

- E tu Paulo trazes os codos7

find you,Paulo, Ifill you bring the glasses*
Paulo - Sim, trago mama.

Pes, I aa bringing thee, eua

- Depois vou brincar?

And then i'll go and play?

Mae - Sim, depois podes ir brincar.

Pes, you can go later.

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