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Aknow Iedgments
I feel I cannot write a proper acknowledgment page: I don't have a wife
to thank for putting up with my moods and demands, and for fibr being a
sponge to mop up my emotional mess of lone researcher in a foreign land;
I don't have a typist either, only a V.P. I am grateful, however, to the
following for their support, advice and collaboration:
At the University of London Institute of Education:
. Angela Hobsbaum (Supervisor), John Versey and Xaureen Shields of the
Department of Child Development and Hducational Psychology
. Euan Keid (Supervisor), Peter Skehan and Tony Burgess of the
Department of English to Speakers of Other Languages
. Trevor Coombe of the Department of International and Comparative
. James Kanlell of the Dept, of Mathematics, Statistics and Computing
At the Instituto Hacional do Desenvolviinento da EducafSo, Maputo:
. Luis Filipe (Director), Guus Meijer, Zalda Gulll, Clotilde Vaddington
and Xadja Xanghesi (Kesearch Staff)
At the University 'E.Xondlane', Faculty of Education, Xaputo∙
. Arlindo Sitoe, Armando J.P. Lopes and Xatheus Katupe
Barbara Tlzard, Thomas Coraw Research Unit, London
Brian Street, University of Sussex, Department of Social Anthropology
The British Council and the University of London Institute of Education
for financial assistance
The Kabkin Family, London
Piero KcCarthy and his family, London.