Discourse Patterns in First Language Use at Hcme and Second Language Learning at School: an Ethnographic Approach

Method I 95

The Xethod

4.1 Overview

Chapters 2 and 3 have indicated the main research directions relevant to
the present study, and given the background knowledge necessary to place
the data in context. Xow the methodology will be presented, and its
appropriateness discussed, in relation to the specific aims proposed in
Chapter 1 <see page 20).

The study adopts a naturalistic method of data collection, which is in
line with the ethnographic approach justified in Chapter 1; however, it is
necessary to elaborate on:

. why more experimental techniques have not been used to complement the
naturalistic data;

. to what extent the conditions under which the data were collected and
processed guarantee their spontaneity and authenticity;

. to what extent the sample is representative;

. the criteria for the selection of features;

. the reliability of the coding;

. to what extent it is legitimate to contrast home and classroom
patterns of discourse;

. to what extent it is legitimate to use data in Ll for the learning of

The methodological limitations of the study will become evident In the
course of the discussion.

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