Discourse Patterns in First Language Use at Hcme and Second Language Learning at School: an Ethnographic Approach

Setting I 93

- questions:               social; descriptive; analytic; projective;

- other:                    reciting; repeating; etc.

For the analysis of children's complex cognitive utterances, all the
utterances coded as analytic and projective, including questions and with
the exception of sequencing, associating, and imagining, were considered
Complex Cognitive Utterances <CCUs). The conditions under which these
CCUs were produced by the Target Children were studied, noting the
addressee, the form, the topic, the dynamic of Interaction, the locus of
reference, and the relation with the context. Cognitive Demands made on
Target Children by others, that would result in TCs Complex Cognitive
Utterances or not, were also analyzed under the same headings.

The classroom data were analyzed along similar lines, but the categories
were adapted to the school situation:

- Teacher


repetition or word completion;

reading, writing, counting;

identification, description, information;
analysis, explanation, generalization, rule;

- Teacher


reading, counting;

identification, description, information;

analysis, explication, generalization, rule.

- Teacher



aknowIedgment, turn allocation;


- PupilZchorus respond


completion, repetition;

reading, counting;

identification, description, information;
analysis, explication, generalization, rule;

- Pupil elicits:



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