Indian Christians, but not as Anglo-Indians.
Sir Henry Gidney recognised the Keralite Anglo-Indians in
1936 by visiting them. Frank Anthony the next leader of
the Anglo-Indians recognised them in 1944. But, they were
de-recognised as Anglo-Indians in 1953.
Their Portuguese ethnicity is distinctively an historical
one. Kerala was once the State of Travancore and Cochin.
However, this does not mean that the definition of an
Anglo-Indian cannot be applied to them, just because they
were not ruled by the British. This research recognises
the ethnicity of the Keralite Anglo-Indians, because the
definition of the Constitution of India identifies their
Tknglo-Indian ethnicity. They are Anglo-Indians because
their racial characteristics (European and Indian),
language (English) and religion (Christianity) are defined
in the Constitution of India.
Their status as Other Backward Classes has ensured that
these Anglo-Indians receive positive discrimination from
the government for places in Universities and government
jobs. They are successful Anglo-Indians, coordinate
bilinguals who speak English and Malayalam interchangeably.
They have made an impact on the creation of the theory-
practice model for Anglo-Indian schools. (Ch.9)
Many of the respondents from South India deplore the
present situation, which they feel is counterproductive and
prejudicial. Instead of forging together under the
acceptance of the definition of the Anglo-Indian according
to the Constitution of India, the answers revealed that
there had been little or no guidance and leadership to link
the Anglo-Indians nationally into a cohesive unit.
The next section describes the Meghalayan Anglo-Indians in
Shillong, the capital of the Meghalaya State in the