The name is absent

successful Anglo-Indian groups, who have successfully
exploited the educational facilities offered by the Indian
government, have been excluded from mainstream Anglo-Indian
life .

The next section describes the controversy over membership
of the Anglo-Indian community and the continuing confusion
about its size after the 1961 Census. More importantly,
the next section raises the issue that unless the
size∕ethnicity question is resolved in the community the
present Management Boards of Anglo-Indian schools will face
a crisis. This crisis may result in a retreat in the face
of interest groups who might wish to take over the
management of Anglo-Indian schools. This fear is not
exaggerated. It was made crystal clear to the researcher
during answers to the question about size.

The next section also describes the leadership contest in
the community and the powerful roles and position of
prestige enjoyed by Anglo-Indian Members of Parliament and
Members of the State Legislatures. Two Members of
Parliament are nominated by the President of India; each
State Assembly has an Anglo-Indian Member of the State
Legislative Assembly nominated by the Governor of the

4.4. Ethnic conflict and confusion:    The emerging

political questions in Anglo-Indian education

The response to the researcher's question about size,
brought out the political rivalry which existed among the
various Presidents and ex-Members of the Legislative
Assemblies who according to one Anglo-Indian

. . . all have ambitions to become one of the
two Members of Parliament nominated by the
President of India to represent the community.


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