The name is absent


In 1990, a problem arose concerning the representation of
the community in the Indian Parliament. The issue of
size∕ethnicity surfaced and the answers to the question
"What is the size of the community?" took on political
overtones. The debate about size and "who is an
Anglo-Indian?" demonstrated a lack of group cohesiveness
and democratic participation.

There was frustration in 1990 about the appointment of two
men as the nominated Members of Parliament for the
Anglo-Indians. Anglo-Indians were concerned that one man
was being called an Anglo-Indian

... by association, because he is an Indian
Christian married to an Anglo-Indian woman,
and the other man was an Indian Christian, who
cannot possibly be the voice for our
community. We have a political disaster on
our hands. (4 3 )

All the respondents were in agreement, that their minority
voice was being smothered. Disillusionment with their
leaders and despair that Indian Christians were now being
nominated as Anglo-Indian MPs, became apparent during the
interviews. The ambitious group leaders would

... soon outnumber the Anglo-Indians in their

There was also evidence of rival group leaders who

... spend more time flying in and out of New
Delhi, to ensure that they are heard by the
right people. The lobbying is fierce and has
nothing to do with educational policies or
seeking to eliminate disadvantage. All they
are interested in is getting closer to the


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