The name is absent

role in the management of their own schools. The vigour
with which the respondents discussed the Indian Christian
threat of domination of Anglo-Indian schools, makes the
issue of size and ethnicity a serious one, particularly in
connection to group belongingness and interaction and the
safeguard of Anglo-Indian schools for the future
generations of Anglo-Indian students.

The perpetuation of these fractious social relationships
between the groups is not going to be automatically
reduced. Amidst the sundry social relations of the groups
the issue of size and ethnicity is central to an analysis
of Anglo-Indian schools. The schools need to know who are
the Anglo-Indians in India. The schools need
administrators and teachers who are Anglo-Indians.

The Anglo-Indian schools need competent professionals. The
argument can be made that, all

Anglo-Indians are Christians but all Christians are not


... the schools belong to the Anglo-Indian community,

and the issue is not one where the future of the schools is
at stake, but a racial argument about who is an Anglo-
Indian. In the meantime, Anglo-Indians are failing in
their own schools. They do not enter Indian Universities.

Therefore, within two decades, even if one is an Anglo-
Indian it will be of no value to the schools, because the
community will have no professionals. The community will
still be arguing about its own membership. The schools
will be left to able administrators who do not enter the
argument because they will not be Anglo-Indians. The
Anglo-Indians will lose their most valuable asset in India
today - the Anglo-Indian schools.


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