The name is absent

Canberra, January 1971 PLURAL SOCIETIES Summer pp.55-64
(p.58) .

See also, Tiwari, R. (1965) The Social and Political
significance of Anglo-Indian schools in India
Unpublі shed
Thesis Master of Arts University of London, Institute of
Education (p.6); By 1988, there were 150,000 Anglo-
Indians, see Abel, E. (1988) op.cit., (p.9) In 1988, Abel
did not support the number 150,000 with evidence of a
census or any empirical investigation about the size of the
Anglo-Indian community. She stated that the year 1961 was
the last census of Anglo-Indians. This census produced the
number 223,781.

(3) Profile No. 159

(4) These one word answers were given by respondents in
Bombay. The majority of the respondents in Bombay were
Indians, that is non-Christians and East Indians and Goans,
who were Roman Catholics or known as Indian Christians.
The three Anglo-Indians offered a number as the answer to
the size of the community. 75-103 See Profiles Nos.
75-103 and Appendix (Photographs) BOMBAY

(5) Helms, J.E. (1990) 'Introduction: Review of Racial
identity Terminology' IN: J.E. Helms
Black and White Racial
_____Theory, Research and Practice Westport,
Connecticut: Greenwood Press, Inc. (p.5) The terminology
"bi-racial connectedness" is described by Helms, J. who
edits a book which introduces a reader to the terminology
used in racial identity and ethnicity.

See also, Handy, C.B. (1987) Understanding Organizations,
Third Edition London: Penguin Books Ltd. (p.85)

(6) Casas, J.M. (1984) 'Policy, Training and Research in
Counselling Psychology: The racial∕ethnic minority
perspective' (pp.785-831) IN: S .D.Brown and R.W. Lent (eds.)
Handbook of Counselling Psychology New York: John Wiley &
Sons. The article by Casas, J. M. (1984) was relevant to
the chapter on size∕ethnicity. It placed an emphasis on the
minority perspective, (p.787) The minority problem in
India is discussed in, Copland, R. (1944)
The Indian
Bombay: Oxford University Press; see also,
Hodson, H.V. ( 1969 )
The Great Divide,
London: Hutchinson.

See also, The Sapru Report (1945) Constitutional Proposals
of the Sapru Committee
Bombay: Padma Publications. The
Sapru Report, which was published in December 1945, had a
very objective account of the minority problem in India.
It made a recommendation for an executive at the centre
representing Hindus, Schedule Castes, Muslims, Sikhs,
Indian Christians and Anglo-Indians.

See also, Philips, C.H. (1962) The Evolution of India and


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