The name is absent

At this point this thesis is arguing that students and
adults perceived religion and education reduced
Christianity and morals to a null curriculum. This
non-existent curriculum had limited the alternatives in
Anglo-Indian education. The very non-educational aspect
had blurred the Anglo-Indian's perspective of Christianity.
It had reduced opportunities for a dialogue with non
Christians and segregated the Christian Anglo-Indians in
their own schools. (37)

One Anglo-Indian summed it up by stating that tolerance
only comes with sharing religious celebrations and
seasonal festivals. (38) Non Anglo-Indian respondents
stated that they did not know anyone who

. . . had ever been invited to an Anglo-Indian
home for any type of celebration. (39)

Christians and non-Christians had both experienced an
alienating religious educational curriculum. A study of
world religions was mentioned often by Anglo-Indians and
non Anglo-Indians.

I think the schools could at least state that
they have made some advance towards tolerance
and respect, because knowledge about another
religion is important and increases our
understanding of one another. (40)

The next section is the conclusion and discusses the need
to consider an integrative approach to religious education
which would introduce dialogue between Christians and non
Christians. The section offers suggestions to increase the
opportunities for a shared religious experience.


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