The name is absent

The question omitted the word Christianity,
and that means that we should create a
syllabus for a multicultural, multi-faith
society. (23)

The Anglo-Indian schools were described by the respondents
as the

... meeting ground of Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs,
Parsees, Buddhists, Jains and Christians.

The schools were not using this multicultural student body
to encourage and promote policies for national integration.
An Anglo-Indian commented,

Tagore once said in the Gitanjali, that on the
' seashore of endless worlds is the great
meeting of children', I'm afraid that this
great meeting becomes a setting apart, in our
schools. The schools have evaded the whole
issue. (25)

Some teachers viewed the whole religious educational
curriculum as a lost opportunity to get to know one
another's religions, and to encourage students to discuss
their own personal and social development.

Nobody has thought about the problem, but, as
you and I know who ever thinks about
accountability in Indian Education? We are
after all accountable to Anglo-Indians to help
them to integrate with Indian society. (26)

The next section discusses the response by students.


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