taboo subject and bring into the open an
appraisal about a non-existent syllabus. (15)
The ChristianityZethics classes had turned into a
... nightmarish experience, with untrained
teachers and restless students. The former
dragged their feet to the lessons, and the
latter didn't know when it was going to end.
The whole experience was "null and void". (17) Thus, the
two-tiered apartheid system of teaching Christianity and
ethics separately to Anglo-Indians and non Anglo-Indians
was not meeting the needs of either Indians or
Anglo-Indians. (18) The curriculum was of religious
education was never discussed, but somehow had to be taught
to the students. (19)
The question was welcomed by teachers and non Anglo-
Indians. Teachers found an opportunity to discuss a
controversial subject, and non Anglo-Indians talked about
the segregation of Christians and non Christians creating
the first experience of Communalism. (20)
The time had come to
...draw new lines in the religious educational
curriculum in an Anglo-Indian school. (21)
The question
...was a bold attempt to force us to look at
what we offer Christians and non-Christians in
our schools, and it's precious little. (22)
One respondent was perceptive.