The name is absent

thinking. It is social because effective change only occurs
in a socialization process, that is the socio-practical
field of the classroom.

The structure of the chapter is:

(i)       A socio-practical field: The classroom in an

Anglo-Indian school

(ii)      Educative play is doing and knowing: The

Assimilation - Accommodation programme to
learning Indian languages

(iii) The theory-practice model and its derivation

(iv)      Change and adaptation: Ethical pluralism;

(v)       Collaborative change: Classroom teachers as


(vi)      Conclusions.

The next section describes the meaning of a socio-practical
field and relates this field to the classroom area in an
Anglo-Indian school.

2. A socio-practical field: The classroom in an Anglo-
Indian school

The main demarcation principle for a socio-practical field

. . . when the goal of an enquiry embodies as
its practical purpose the formulation of and
engagement in practices intended to affect
directly the lives of other human beings, the
area under consideration becomes a
socio-practical field in respect of that
enquiry. (12)

The formulation of a theory-practice which could possibly
improve the scholastic learning experience of Anglo-Indians
could only take place in one area, that is, the classroom.


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