(32) Herbart, J. F. (1898) op. cit., (pp.108-110)
(33) Lloyd, D.I. (1976) 'Theory and Practice'
GREAT BRITAIN Editor R.S. Peters Vol. X pp.98-113
(p.104); see also, McCarthy, T. (1982) 'Rationality and
Relativism' IN: J.B.Thompson and D.Held (eds.) Habermas
- Critical Debates London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd. (p.60)
(34) Cohen, L. and Manion, L. (1985) Research Methods in
Education Second Edition (p.218)
(35) Ideas for creating the diagram were found in the
following books. Bingham, J.E. and Davies, G.W.P. (1972)
A Handbook of Systems Analysis London: Macmillan & Co.
Ltd. pp.52-9; Checkland, P. (1981) op. cit., (p.8);
Have, V.C. (1967) Systems Analysis: A Diagnostic Approach
New York: Harcourt, Brace & World Inc. (p.29); Kramer,
N.J. and De Smit, J. (1977) Systems Thinking: Concepts
and Notions Trans, of the Dutch H.E.Stenfert Kroese
Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Social Sciences Division (p.25);
Kronsjo, L. (1987) Algorithms: Their Complexity and
Efficiency Second Edition Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
(pp.1-2); Wheatley, D.M. and Unwin, A.W. (1972) The
Algorithm Writer's Guide London: Longman Group (p.l)
In order to arrive at the theory-practice model, the
researcher investigated techniques used by systems
analysts. There was a tendency to regard flowcharting as
a technique unique to data processing. The researcher
made several efforts in creating the model, always
keeping in mind the teacher's advice to "keep it simple
and free from jargon". (Profile Nos.153, 238-246, 475-
487) To illustrate the model or proposed system it was
decided to explain each stage. The area of activity was
the classroom and once the objectives had been clearly
identified, the information was included in the model.
The researcher wanted to complete the model on a single
page and this meant reducing the actual amount of drawing
to be done.
Flowcharting is a most useful technique for the systems
analyst and is very widely used. At first, the
researcher drew a number of models using the symbols that
follow the International Standards Organisation (I.S.O.)
recommendation (ref.R.1028) These were discarded, as the
model was extending over two pages. The researcher
discarded the symbols, and achieved the result on a
single page. This also helped to ensure that a neat and
presentable result was produced.
(36) Cohen, L. and Manion, L. (1985) op cit., (p.212).
The theory-practice offered in this thesis will
eventually rely on the observation and behaviourial data
collected by teacher-researchers in their classrooms in
Anglo-Indian schools who will adopt the theory-practice