(1) A down-to-earth book for researchers is written by
Phillips, M. E. and Pugh, D.S. (1988) How to get a
Ph.D.: Managing the peaks and troughs of research Mі11on
Keynes: Open University Press. On page 55 of this book
is an interesting comment on "the importance of your
thesis to the development of the discipline". Phillips
and Pugh argue that all good research is significant but
limited. Therefore, in the most general terms, one's
thesis should produce successors who "face a different
situation when determining what their research work
should be since they now have to take account of your
work". The researcher gave careful thought to the
limitations of this thesis, and the concluding Chapter
offers suggestions of "areas for future research into the
Anglo-Indian community".
(2) Cohen, L. and Manion, L. (1985) Research Methods in
Education Second Edition Kent, U.K.: Croom Helm p.262
(3) Adelman, C., Jenkins, D. and Kemmis, S. (1980)
'Rethinking case study: Notes from the Second Cambridge
Conference', IN: H. Simons, (ed.) Towards a Science of
the Singular University of East Anglia: Centre for
Applied Research in Education
(4) Warwick, D. (1988) The Modular Curriculum Oxford:
Basil Blackwell Ltd; see also, Naik, J.P. (1975)
Equality, Quality and Cruantitv: The Elusive Triangle in
Indian Education The Tagore Memorial Lectures delivered
at the University of poona on 23, 24, 25 August, 1975.
New Delhi: Allied Publishers. Naik, J.P. (1975) stated
that National Integration should be recognised as a
"major value to be promoted and the need to fight against
forces of Iinguism, regionalism and Communalism has also
been accepted, but unfortunately, little work has been
done to guide the schools and teachers in evolving
practical programmes to promote these values." (p.55)
This research offers teachers in Anglo-Indian schools an
educational theory practice in the language and religious
educational curriculum to evolve a practical programme to
promote the "major value" of National Integration.
(5) Warwick, D. (1988) ibid., Chapter 6 'Preparation and
Planning,' and Chapter 7 'Motivation through modules' .
(6) The specifications listed are found in Warwick, D.
(1988) op. cit., pp.130-1.
(7) The theory-practice model will depend upon careful