The name is absent

bearing on National Life and Problems in India Today
London: Faber and Gwyer p.39; see also, Tindall, G. (1982)
City of Gold: The Biography of Bombay London: Temple

(19) Stark, H.A. (1936, 1987) op. cit., (p.ll).

(20) Sharp, W.H. (1920) op. cit., (p.3); see also,
Tindall, G. (1982) op. cit., (p.59)

(21) Fryer, J. (1698) A New Account of East India and
Persia L
ondon: R. Chiswell; see also, Rawlinson, H.G.
(1921) Life in an English Factory in India in the 17th

(22) Love, H.D. (1913) Vestiges of Old Madras London: John
Murray Vol. I (p.499)

(23) Penny, F. (1904) The Church in Madras London: Smith
Elder & Co. (p.507)

(24) Chatterjee, E. (1982) op. cit., (p.77); see also, Law,
N.N. (1915) (pp.12-15); see also, Penny, F. (1904) op.
cit., (pp.123-67)

(25) Sharp, W.H. (1920) Selections from Educational Records
Part I (1781-1839
Calcutta, (pp.7-8). Warren Hastings
established the Calcutta Madrassah in 1781. To support the
Madrassah, the Directors of the Company allotted land which
yielded an annual income of Rupees twenty nine thousand to
the Madrassah, the children were given free education,
boarding and lodging.

(26) Sharp, W.H. (1920) ibid., (pp.7-8). An additional
grant of Rupees thirty thousand per annum was assigned to
the Madrassah in lieu of the land.

(27) Stark, H.A. (1936, 1987) op. cit., (p.92)

(28) Abel, E. (1988) op. cit., (pp.14-15)

(29) Abel, E. (1988) op. cit., (p.55)

(30) Daniell, H.R.H. (1941) The Development of Anglo-Indian
Education and its Problems
Unpublished Thesis University
of Leeds, Master of Education, Brotherton Library,
University of Leeds, (p.52). Daniell, H.R.H. was an Anglo-
Indian. His Thesis was unavailable on an inter-library-
loan. Brotherton Library had only one copy of the Thesis.
The researcher had to travel to Leeds to read the Thesis.

(31) Hughes, E.C. and MacGill Hughes, H. (1952) Where
Peoples Meet
Glencoe Illinois: The Free Press (pp.32-50,
61-82, 83-99)


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