A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School

or ’I do not like' statement would have done. A copy of the questionnaire can be
found in Appendix E.

Much has been said about young children's enthusiasm for learning a foreign
language. The writer's own experience of working with a number of very
different schools prior to this study suggested that 'enthusiasm' might not
always be a reflection of age. It was therefore decided that a very short
'questionnaire' (in the form of a couple of questions only) on learning French
should be administered to a year seven group at a secondary comprehensive
school. The questions and children's responses to them will be reported in
Chapter Six in the context of discussions of findings from the two primary

5.6 Presentation and Discussion of Findings

In the interest of clarity and to do full justice to the clearly different contexts in
which the two schools are operating the writer has decided in favour of two
separate chapters for the two case studies. The remainder of this chapter will
therefore focus on School One. Lesson observations from this school will be
presented as will findings from interviews with individual children. The chapter
will finish with a theoretical discussion Offindings and a summary of these.
The findings from School Two, lesson observations, responses to
questionnaires and profiles of individual children will then be presented and
discussed in Chapter Six before some tentative conclusions will be drawn
based on the findings from both schools.


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