5.7 School One - Background
5.7.1 Social and Demographic Factors
School One is a state со-educational combined first and middle school located
in a more affluent part of an outer London Borough. The school draws its intake
predominantly from a middle-class background. In 1996 there were around 330
pupils on roll, with only 15 children on free lunch tickets, that is to say from a
family on income support. The school reflects a very positive ethos and a
disciplined and organised working environment. Unauthorised absences
amounted to only 0.01% during the school year 1996/7.
5.7.2 National Curriculum Assessment Results
The school brochure suggests that results in English, Mathematics and Science
at the end of key stage 2 tend to match or be above the national average. In
1997, national tests were sat by 87 pupils and Level 4 or above was gained in
English by 83%, in Mathematics by 79% and in Science by 71% of the pupils
(Guardian Education, 27 January, 1998).
5.7.3 Languages Present in School One
The majority of the children in School One have English as their first language.
Some children have an Asian language as their mother tongue. (Precise
numbers for the year 1996 were not available.)