starts by listing some words in French although she is asked to speak in
English. She says she likes the ,le natation' and ,le ski'. She says she finds
working with the tape confusing and difficult but she likes writing best.
(In lessons Donna was one of the weaker children who clearly experienced
literacy problems.) Donna thinks she is doing well because she 'just feels
Stacey says she likes doing the 'sheets' and working in groups and role plays
but thinks that listening to the tape is hard. She finds some things
embarrassing, such as being put on the spot and is not too keen to speak in
class. She also says that she keeps forgetting things but she thinks she is
doing well in French and that French is 'alright'. When pushed she says that it
is 'alright' (rather than good) because she 'does not know the hard bits
sometimes' and she keeps 'forgetting words'. When asked: 'Comment
t'appelles-tu?' Stacey replies: 'yeah'. When prompted: ,Je m'appelle...' Stacey
says: 'Stacey'.
Vakeesan's first language is Tamil and he seems to experience problems with
English. Vakeesan says he likes '∞ca'. He also says he likes 'playing'. Asked
about the French lessons he says that he likes reading and speaking but that
he finds listening to the tape recorder difficult. He also says that he finds
French more difficult than English. Nevertheless he says he likes French and