you're not showing everyone you know it but if you speak it you're showing
everyone how good you are'. He thinks he is quite good at French because he
is 'starting to understand 'practical terms' when the teacher asks a question or
'on top of sheets'. He thinks that French and English words are quite similar.
He does not like reading and writing French because he finds it a 'bit boring'
although he likes reading a bit better than writing because writing is quite hard.
David would like to carry on learning French because 'it's good and he thinks
that the family will be going on a skiing holiday to France and he would like to
learn some more French so he 'can actually speak it'. When asked: 'Comment
Vappelles tu?' David replies 'Mmh'. When prompted: 'Je m'appelle...', David
says: 'David'.
Gary says he finds French really easy although spelling worries him a little bit.
Gary says he gets nervous sometimes when the teacher asks him a question
and forgets what he needs to say. He likes role plays and acting and standing
up in a group and speaking. He does not like having to write things down.
Gary thinks he knows the 'easy' sports but not the 'hard' ones. He says that he
was worried when he started to learn French but got more confident because
his brother taught him and his mum also helped him.
Kunigoshi says that he likes French but that he often forgets things. He says he
likes speaking aloud in class and being asked questions. He likes reading best