A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School

know how to spell. She seems not too sure about learning French. She says
she speaks Czech and sounds generally much more enthusiastic about this
language as her friend also speaks it. Rebecca thinks that German is hard.


Mitul is very inconsistent and confused in his answers. One minute he likes
something the next he is not too sure. He says he likes French because ’it's
quite hard' and 'his dad says that one has to Ieam something hard'. He says he
likes listening to the tape because it 'tests your hearing skills'. He thinks he is
not very good at spelling and that things are hard to write but he also thinks
writing things down is good fun. He does not 'mind' speaking aloud in class but
he does not like it when the teacher 'tells him off. He is not really sure whether
French is fun. As he can say a couple of words in other languages, Mitul
reckons he 'knows' 6 or 7 languages.


Graham thinks he is quite good at learning French. He enjoys it, likes the
subject and says he listens and practises a lot, sometimes with his brother. He
also says he finds pronouncing new words hard and spelling them. He says he
does not mind making mistakes because after all it is not like making a mistake
in English when he 'should know’. French is something 'that Γm learning'.

Graham says he tries hard not to make a mistake but if he makes one he tries
to ∞rrect it. He likes to be sure of an answer before he puts his hand up. He
prefers working with a partner to working in groups because he likes working


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