Case Study Two - School Two
6.1 Introduction
This chapter will focus on case study two. Findings from lesson observations
and from questionnaires in School Two will be presented and analysed. The
analysis of data in case study two was underpinned by the same considerations
as in the first case study. However, as the primary schools in the two case
studies represent very different learning contexts, findings will not be presented
and discussed under exactly the same headings as those in Chapter Five. The
chapter will conclude with a summary and discussion of the findings from both
schools and the brief 'questionnaire' administered to children at secondary
school. The following paragraphs will first of all introduce School Two.
6.2 School Two - Background
6.2.1 Social and Demographic Factors
School Two is a со-educational state junior school with children aged seven to
eleven. In 1996 there were 271 children on roll. School Two is located in a
socially disadvantaged area in London, with a large ethnic community, a high
numberof lone parents and long-term unemployment. In 1996 out of the 271
children on roll 173 were on free school meals and 100 children were identified
as having special educational needs. The school projects a very positive,
multicultural and multilingual ethos.